April Recap

 So,I just realized I didn't make a post for April(I try to get a post in for at least once a month.Sometimes more if I'm in a writing mood).So here goes:

So pretty much the month of April was a blur for me since all I can seem to remember is working on a quilt at all hours of the day.I pretty much spent all my "Free time"(Whats that again?!)sewing,hand quilting,and typing it.Which seems like an easy feat right?Nope.It sounds easy,sure,but when you've only 3 weeks and half to make half the size of a queen sized blanket(bigger than twin)you're really in a rush.You don't have time to take too many breaks or leisurely work on it.Youve a deadline.At least that's how it was for me getting it done before an ACE Convention.My family was very patient with me during those times.Often helping me out with chores,helping cheer me on when I was tired and discouraged,and sometimes offering advice for a better way to do it.They were,and still are,a blessing in my life.I could really see God working through them.     This was my first and last  time ever going to convention so I wasent exactly sure what to expect.So I only signed up for a few things.Spelling,Bible memory,Quilting,Acrylic,Sketching,and pen/ink drawings.Unexpectedly,I was asked if I would participate in Bible Bowl since one of our teammembers had unexpectedly dropped out.I met unexpected people,learned alot from the guest speaker,Mr.Steve Pigott,and had alot of fun on the way down and the way back up.Im so glad God had allowed me to go.It was a new experience and growing point for me.Ive included some photos


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