Maze,Sick,and kitty cats!

 Wow!Its hard to believe it's been almost 3 months since I last posted.Alot has happened since I've last posted.Well,for most of August and September I really enjoyed working at the Country Corn Maze.I enjoyed the work,and got to work with alot of great people!In October,we took down alot of the maze stuff and got together for an end of the season workers'blow out party.It was alot of fun.There was a few great laughs and many new memories made as brothers and sisters in Christ.I look forward to next years'Country Corn Maze.In the middle of October some of my family got tested for Covid,only to find out (Which was we thought in the first place),that it was a cold.We quartined ourselves for 2 weeks.If you come from a big family,you know that it can spread multiple times over and relapse.It's been another week.If you're an extrovert,you also know that you torture yourself by quartine!:)

During Quartine,one plus side is I get more time with my family,God,and my kitty cat,Oliver


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