See you later,never goodbye

I know I haven't been able to post as much as I normally would.Many other things have been taking up my time nowadays.The more time wears on,the busier it gets.To fill you in,my grandma has had a turn for the worst,and is now placed on hospice.Our family has appreciated all the prayers and thoughts our way and ask for continuance of prayer.Between the constant  (been keeping 6 ft rule as much as possible between people)moving between our house and grandma's,our world has been turned upside down.I ask that you pray for my mom.She has been doing the jobs no one else wants to,been trying to be there for grandma as well as trying to manage her own at home.Stress and heartache have been there with her are present quite a bit.Thankfully she has my family,my Daddy and our Heavenly Father to lean on!Through it all,if this had taught us nothing else (to which we'very learned much)is to grow closer as a family. To stick up and be there for one another.Thankyou to all who read this and pray.God is the maker of miracles,and should he choose to heal Grandma,we would be overjoyed.If not,we know that God is still in control,and that this is a see you later and never goodbye.


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