My Daddys protection!

Today,a random man walked up to me,as me,Faith,and Dad were walking out of the library.He started asking me questions,that got me weirded out.Like how old I was,if I was in highschool,if I liked comedy,and asked if I looked like a superhero (Because I was wearing my plaid shawl),and then continued to ask if I had seen this one show/movie.I could tell he was trying to make me laugh,but his words were coming out fast,and I wasn't honestly paying attention.A conversation of mine own was going on in my head.Why was he asking me this?I've never met this man before that I can remember,so why did he immediately walk up to me and start talking?Why was he asking me where I was from?Where's dad?Get me outta here!!
I was completely weirded and creeped out!He asked me how old I thought he was.I guessed somewhere between 20-30s,because he looked younger then he actually was,which was 42.I was really thankful I had worn my promise ring that day to remind me.I was also REALLY thankful dad was only 2 feet away,and had heard the conversation.Within 2 minutes of talking,and being as polite as possible,dad asked me if I was ready to go,getting me out of a bind I myself hadn't been put in before.All day long I've been running this through my head.I'm so grateful for my Daddys protection!He always has my best intentions at heart.Other than that weird episode,I had a wonderful day.It was just us 3 girls,and Daddy toodling around time,laughing at silly things,talking,and spending time with eachother.We ended the day watching a couple movies together.What a fun day!!


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