The bloody shock!

So,I will warn my readers once more that this short story is a little bloody,and could be traumatic to those under age 13 or 12.Also,this is a fictional story with what could'very happened after The Oregon Trail.So,in a way,Same guy,different name,and WAY different backstory.So,without further adue,I give to you:THE EMOTIONAL SHOCK!

To Edward it was just another day traveling back home.He was almost home,but he stopped at the creek to try his chances at gold,even though it was a slim chance it was a chace he was willing to take.Besides,what was the harm in it?The only thing he was risking was his own labor.Or so he told himself.You see,Edward had picked up some bad habits while on the trail.He had betted and betted,gambling what few items in his carriage he had,hoping for a chance to win them back.But he never did.
Edward looked at the fleeting sun before sighing and heading back home.He knew it would worry Kaitlin  if he wasn't home before dark.She knew he was coming due to the last letter he wrote back 2 days ago. Sometime later,he had arrived at the cabin,but he put away Ebony in the barn before he headed into the house.It had been a long day but he was finally glad to be home.Home where his wife and 2 children were.Home had never looked to good for him right at that moment.His hand on the door knob,he stopped,closed his eyes,and envisioned the sight that was about to meet him.He imagined the happy faces and laughter as his two girls ran to meet him at the door to the cabin.He imagined many hugs and kisses passed around,and thought of his dear wife  as he held her in his arms.With these thoughts,he turned the doorknob,and pushed the oak solid door open.But the sight he wanted to see is the one that didn't Greet him.Three dead bodies laid on the floor,blood srains everywhere.Edward screamed and ran towards the only remaining family he dearly cherished.Who would do such a thing?WHY?He thought,as he cradled his wife's dead body in his arms.Everything he touched had blood on it.Her velvet brown hair,her white apron.How did they die?It was all a mystery to poor,suffering Edward.He cried tears of regret,tears of anger,revenge,and jusitice.He was burning.Burning,seething with anger.Worse than anything he had ever felt before,even when his family had disowned him for marrying her,he had been angry and hurt.But that was nothing compared to the beating his heart had just taken,and it wouldn't be the last of poor Edward,either.



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