Christmas in Colorado

So,I was encouraged and reminded again,how really behind I am on posting in this blog,when someone asked to see my promise ring from my last post.So here I go once more.

During these last 9+yrs (I can't exactly pinpoint it because it's been so long),since we've lived in Northern MN,it's been at least 15+ years since we've had a Christmas in Colorado with our relatives down south & even LONGER since all of us went together on a family trip!We had a wonderful,MEMORABLE time.There was actually a point where there was alot of teasing,but everyone was really gracious and took it good humorly.By that time I was really getting homesick,and missed my green eyed kitty,Oliver.On the way home,we actually had a small blizzard chasing us all the way back up to MN.When we stopped at a walmart too long,it caught up to us on the last leg of the journey,it made this only a tiny bit dangerous and WAY more exciting!!Needless to say,we almost got snowed in when we got home.Honestly,though,we got home we felt out of place.Our time schedule was really Messed up,it was almost like we needed a vacation from our vacation!There's nothing like home sweet home,but the hardest part was getting back into routine again.Yikes.Everybody was exhausted.We missed out this year's Christmas eve service our church was putting on,but you can bet your bottom dollar,when we saw them on Sunday,we were really happy to see some more friendly faces!!


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