Unique Quotes

I gotta be totally honest,though I don't memorize as many quotes as I should,I really enjoy a good quote!Most of the quotes I'm about to share with you,are from Poor Richards Almanac,so if it doesn't mention who wrote it,it's from Poor Richards Almanac.Here's a few:

"Be yourself....Everybody else is taken."-Oscar Wilde.

"A good example is the best sermon."

"He that cannot obey cannot command."

"Glass,china,and reputation are easily broken,and never well mended."

"Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure,when he's really selling himself a slave to it."

"He that speaks much,is much mistaken."

"Be always ashamed to catch thyself idol."

"We spend our time,like we spend our money.The only difference is we can save money,but not time.Time waits for no man."Pastor Gerald Krahn.

"The journey of a lifetime,starts with a turning of a page."-Rachel Anders.

"A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isnt."-Charles Spurgeon.

I hope you've enjoyed these as much as I have!Let me know in the comments below what your favorite quote is!


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