Your Thankful List

Happy Thanksgiving!There is so many things to be grateful for.So,incase you might have forgotten your blessings in this giving season let me make you a list,or you can come up with your own.
•Family & Friends
•Food on your table graciously provided by your head family member,and your Heavenly Father.
•A roof over your head
•Your health
•A Godly church and pastor
•Clothes to wear
•Animals/pets to make our lives feel less lonely some days
•Godly songs to brighten your day
•Hair(parted or DEparted)
•God's Amazing Grace
•The Bible/books
•The kindness of the people we have yet to meet
•punishments so we don't become spoiled
•Learning from our mistakes in life
•Emotions no matter how complicated things can get
•Family In Christ
•your 7 senses
•Protectors of our freedom/Armed forces
•Craft projects
My wish this thanksgiving is that those less fortunate who had everything they wished for this Thanksgiving,and that other givers would strive to make that happen.That not only their financial needs be taken care of,bit also their spiritual needs.May God bless each one of you as you continue to bless the others around you!


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