Gods Family!

Family.Let that word sink in a bit before you continue reading.Then think about the word Relationship.What do those words mean to you?What is the first thing you think or the person you think of,first?The only two things that really matter in life is serving God,and building those relationships up.In Matthew 12:48-50 in KJV Bible.It says-"But he answered and said unto him that told him,Who is my mother?and who are my brethern?And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples,and said,Behold my mother and my brethern!For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven,the same is my brother,and sister,and mother."God never meant to see families broken down  like people nowadays!It grieves Him to see His people suffering!But because of our pride and sin,we separate ourselves from Him.God loves each one of us,and sees us as His chuldren!Let me ask you a question:If you were in God's shoes right now  what would you do?The only thing you could do was love that person,and try to help them understand your situation.That's what God is trying to do right now.Stop fighting God,and let Him in your life!Your the only one that can do it,and to be honest,no one else can do it for you.This is Hannah Dunton,reminding you that God loves you just as you are!!


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