Life is full of work,learn to enjoy it!

Most people love to walk,but some dont.Those that don't like to do it have a rough time getting excercise,therefore sometimes their health suffers the consequences.For those that don't like walking,try mowing.It's still walking,but your hands are busy,as a bonus your yard looks a whole lot neater.If that still doesn't work,try mowing AND listening to classical music.I would recommend one of my favorite songs called "Ancient Words" by Fountainview Academy,it's not classical,but it is a lovely song.On that note of mowing,it's also hardwork.Hardwork is a noble character quality.It's one that is and should be passed down from generation to generation. Hardwork,when you have finished with whatever your doing,and have done it to your best ability,can give you a sense of pride.1 Corinthians 15:58 says-"Therefore,my beloved brethren,be ye steadfast,unmovable,always abounding in the work of the Lord,foras much as ye know that your labour is not vain in the Lord."It's good to feel that way about it,but also it can be harmful.It can cause you to boast about it,get all puffed up.Evenctally you'll get so puffed up,God will have to pick you with one of His needles.Like a balloon.Remember,that whatever you do,always do it to the best of your ability,it's worth it in the end,for God rewards those who are faithful and devoted.Hope you enjoyed this post !If you have any questions for me,just let me know in the comments below,and I'll get back to you as soon as I can !


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