Homeschooling your kids

One of the things I see most in August/September is "Back to School" items.People love sending their kids off to public school.They do it for their children's own education.Often times,the kids are being bullied instead of being welcomed in.Those bullies almost always are hurtin inside fromm whatever it may be from.So,instead of learning from it,they do the same to someone else,to try to make them to understand the way they felt themselves.So,instead of fighting back my advice to you is to turn the other cheek.Show kindness,compassion,and understanding.It's easy to reply with anger,unkindness,and bitterness.It's easy to be kind to those who have been kind to you.But ohh!What a show of character it is when someone is unkind to you.Todays society and world are so different than what their parents went through.Shootings occurring is a frightening thing in our day.People shoot for the pure pleasure of inflicting pain upon others.It's not a gun problem,it's a heart problem.It's a scary thing nowadays.Parents,may I give you some advice from a homeschooling mom?Homeschooling your kids.It's can solve many a problem.Kids getting in the wrong crowd of 'friends'?Homeschool.Scared of shootings?Homeschool.Don't like kids bullying your child?Homeschool.Another thing I would add to that is,be patient with your child.Three things a friend of mine preached on:SMILE,LISTEN,PRAISE!If you have any questions,comment in the comments below.Thanks for reading:)


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