Courageous women of The Bible

Women of the Bible (new and old testament)were so brave.They really had a heart of courage.They werent perfect,but even though they were terrified of the unknown,of what might happen ,they did the right thing anyways.We see this in many good examples.Like:Ruth,she was virtuous,Esther,she was wisdom,Lydia,she was giving and generous,Mary (the sister of Martha),was humble,and Jesus'mother Mary was obedient and humble.Time and time again God shows us women that did the will of God,and those that didn't.For those that didn't do the will of God was:Jezebel,she was selfish,Queen Vashti was disobedient,and Martha who didn't  exactly have her priorities straight.Evertone makes mistakes,but it is our choosing,whether we will learn from those mistakes or just to forget them.One of the wisest sayings I have heard was by George  Santayana. It said-"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."So,it is my hope,dear reader that you will learn from those examples and Change to be the person God wants you to be.Have a wonderful day!


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