To inspire you

A poem for the week:God's Sacrifice

"Small or tall,
Bond or free,God still loves you and me.
God sent His son down from above,
And through Him,Sent to show His great love.
Do you hear Him calling your name?
If so,you'll never be the same.
He'll live through your life,
He'll cast His light on you,with peace,not strife.
There is yet hope,don't turn your back and say "Nope".
Turn to Christ now,and say with your fellow believers "Wow".
Be in awe of God's creation,
Live your life for Christ,feel the sensation,
Of His peace,
If all people believed,all wars would cease.
Hear Him whose name holds honor,
We are His clay,and He is the potter.
He was God's Perfect Son,but the people didn't believe,
So to show them,He did miracles and achieved.
So when God called His Son from above,
To again show His great Love.
He died on the cross of Calvary,for you and me.
There days later He arose from the grave,
Hoping humankind would behave,
A few days later God called Him to His house,
To His courthouse.
God wants you to hear His truth,
Do I have one final question for you:
Do you hear His call?
Are you giving Him your all?"
By Hannah Dunton.
I have been thinking of writing something like this all week,so when I heard an inspiring message by a pastor friend of mine,it sent in morion this poem.I hope you enjoyed it.To God be The Glory!!


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