Valentines Day

 Okay,so this post may be a little late,in this  case,I apologize.Ive been really stressed and struggling over my personal life right now and often forget little things I still have yet to do.So,on the note of it being Valentines Day,here are some great things to do on Valentines Day:


For families it is ESSENTIAL talk.For parents to know what's on their kids' minds or sometimes their perspective on things.Its important to tie those heartstrings.Even the smallest of children can have the best views on life or the world.I can't tell you how many times a small child has picked up something on a subject or even my spirit.Like,a week after my grandma passed away,Quinn(A very sweet friend,3 years old boy),walked up to me when I was in a corner by myself just staring at the walls and said:

"Hannah,why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad,"I tried to convince both him and me,smiling.

"Yes,you are,"He said

"Well,wouldn't you be sad if one of your sisters went to heaven?"

"No,but I would be sad if you did,"He said.He and I both laughed.I think he was teasing me but its amazing on how much little kids pick up on.

Also,its just as important for the kids'to hear what their parents have to say.They have more insight and wisdom on things than the kids do.Its honestly like a game of ping pong.The conversation should go back and forth.

2.Valentines Dinner or Coffee Date!

This one is more directed toward couples.Sometimes it can be sooooo nice to get a day out.You don't even have to leave your house!You can maybe have your siblings or friends babysit your kids for a couple hours.Its just as important for couples to have time alone together as single people with their parents.Somehow,someway,take the time to explore more of eachother.From the start of your relationship to marriage to the end you should NEVER stop learning about eachother,and you might even discover things you never knew about eachother;)


Valentines Day can be a nice excuse to give away,get,or eat choclate!Chocolate is good for the soul💕🍫

4.Pick up Lines

Sometimes it can be really funny to go over some funny pick up lines to start some laughs.So here are some really good ones:

We're not socks,but I think we're a good pair!       Can you pass me an inhaler?Cause you just took my breath away!    I should call you google,Google, you're everything I'm searching for!     I'd say God bless you,but it looks like He already did!


Nothing says love like laundry & dishes🤣 Despite the holiday,sometimes it can be good to catch up on some extra chores.I know.It sounds boring.

6.Get together with friends 

Sometimes its also really nice to catch 70 with some friends.Maybe you've talked with them for a REALLY long time.Life gets so busy,but becareful not to leave your friends in the dust.Think of any friends you might be able to reach out to and try to reconnect.

Okay,so to add a little more "Excitement" to this blog,I'll put in a few mind puzzles.Some are very hard,others not so much.Looking up the answer isn't allowed but I will post the answer whenever I get a spare moment or you can comment or ask me in person:)So here's your first one:


Happy Single Awareness Day to all singles!!


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