A whole new life

As some of my readers know,A couple weeks ago,my older brother,Tim was fired from work for a misunderstanding with one of his coworkers.On his birthday.In November.Yikes!It was really tough on Tim.He was really down and disappointed when he got the news.One week later,Tim went to living at home to living with his family.He felt he had been back to square 1.He had been praying and hoping for 2 months for new job.He felt God leading him towards a new job and he has relatives in Colorado and New Mexico,so he was thinking about looking for a job there.When he heard one of his relatives had a small company,so he prayed and felt God lead him towards his decision to apply for a job.When he did,God answered this prayer,so Tim is traveling to Colorado for his new job.He feels really grateful and hopeful of God's future for him.Sad thing is,we won't be able to see Tim till May,and even after that,it's uncertain.I just have to have Faith,and fight the good fight!


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