Christmas Traditions

A friend asked me a couple weeks ago if I still wrote poems.Yes I do,although its been a VERY long time since I last posted one(I'll probably end up posting on tomorrow because I've been on a typing/texting/writing splurge lately).I was looking back at some of my posts today,and it made me very nostalgic.Then I got to thinking,I dont think I've ever posted A Christmas Post before today.Well,I'll have to fix that.So,here comes some Christmas traditions in my family we end up doing every year or close to 1.Every weekend is full with Christmas things to do 2.1st weekend in December is decorating the house for Christmas🏡🎄 and Christmas shopping(Although that's pretty much throughout December,or in my case,making it) 3. 2nd week is going to get a Christmas tree(We usually end up going to Esbys Christmas Tree Farm and picking one out.We listen to Christmas music on the way there and back.We end up with many fond memories and hilarious moments🤣 4.3rd week we usually en...