A Tough Week

This week,to be perfectly honest,was a really tough.For awhile now,my grandma was loosing weight,not feeling well,hardly eating,due to pain for some reason.She recently went to see a doctor,and found out she has colon(I probably spelled that wrong)cancer.It was a shock to all us who know her.That was right on the beginning of the week...monday (sigh).Then school was next,which was tough again.A real challenge.I was glad when Friday hit,the last day of school for the week.grandparents,and Uncle came over for the weekend.I was glad for the extra company,because it gets really lonely when it's just you and your sis at home.Then,my dad had to work the weekend shift,to which I was really disappointed.Not because he wanted to,but more because he's the only guy working in his department,and he was behind.I really missed him this week.On sunday,due to vehicle trouble,I wasn't able to make it to church,as well as my sis.We did slip some bonding time,spent time with God,and cleaned...