A tired beginning to a sweet ending

This week has been one of the craziest weeks I've ever had in a long time. Monday-Alice,one of our sheep moms gave birth at 2 am.Bekah was on her way home so me and mom were up making sure she made it through okay til Bekah got there.She had made it through okay and we welcomed into the world two new ram lambs! Tuesday-Bekah took the day off to make sure the lambs made it through their crucial 24 hours.We had some unexpected company,our neighbors,stop by.Faith and I ran around the house like a chicken with its head cut off trying to finish picking everything up.It wasn't excessively dirty but it definitely needed some picking up. Wednesday-Mom and dad hit a deer.The deer managed to take out the power steering on the van,the passenger door no longer opens and two other damages as well.Needless to say,we butchered the very very small deer that day. Thursday-Mocha,another of our sheep moms gave birth.She,unfortunately,didn't make it.She only managed to give birth to her baby ...